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5 - 6周

If you’re missing a gen ed course for your undergraduate degree or you need a prerequisite, you can take our affordable online Courses individually. We’ve got you covered with gen ed Courses in 科学, 批判性思维, 数学, 艺术, 人文学科, 沟通, 社会和行为科学 and more.



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步骤2: 创建帐户

步骤3: 今天报名


Gen ed Courses with flexible start 日期

With a wide variety of Courses starting frequently, you have flexibility when to take your classes.

Courses designed to fit your schedule

Take classes in a condensed 5-7 week format to help you finish faster.


Our Courses are priced to be affordable. And, if any Courses can help you in the workplace, check to see if your employer will help cover the cost


1. Check with your receiving institution to make sure they will accept your gen ed course for transfer.

2. Purchase and complete the course at University of Phoenix.

3.一旦Courses结束, 下载成绩单 to send to your receiving institution.


If you have an unmet requirement for an undergraduate general Education credit, you can complete that course with the University of Phoenix. Some Courses also serve as approved prerequisites for core course curriculum at University of Phoenix and other institutions.  

Check your program requirements to know what Courses you need to take for your core curriculum. You can select from a wide variety of Courses designed to help you develop skills in key areas like math, 批判性思维, 科学, 人文学科, 艺术, 社会和行为科学, 历史, 社会学等.

Some Courses are required as prerequisites for your associate or bachelor’s degree, as they provide the skills and knowledge needed for your undergraduate core curriculum.

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. Check with the receiving institution to confirm whether the general Education credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted for your associate or bachelor’s degree.

To show you have met the course requirement, you can upload a digital copy of your transcript (official or unofficial) during the checkout process. If you have a question, contact us at 866-354-1800.
G. Galindo -注册代表

G. 加林多,注册代表

Have questions about our general Education Courses?

Speak with an enrollment representative

请致电 866-354-1800 或者一周7天和我们聊天.

Speak with an enrollment representative


Browse online general Education articles

Teacher Certifications and Requirements



Jobs That Help People in the Community






Transfer credits to get closer to graduation


在你完成Courses之后, you can request your official transcripts be sent directly to you or your school of choice.

Transferability of credit is at the discretion of the receiving institution. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm whether or not credits earned at University of Phoenix will be accepted by another institution of the student’s choice. 如果您有任何问题,请推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 (866) 354-1800.