Apply eligible transfer credits from an institutionally accredited university or college toward the degree of your choice. So, you can save on tuition and get that much closer to your graduation date.
We have a team of experienced enrollment representatives ready to answer your questions and help you through your application at any time. 只需拨打844-937-8679与注册代表交谈.
Complete your online application and include college and universities you are transferring from.
我们会寄给你一份成绩单申请表让你签字. In most cases, we request your transcripts on your behalf, so you don’t incur any cost.
Transcript requests can take between 5-20 days, depending on the institution. Some institutions may require you to request your transcripts directly.
We’ll notify you when credits have been awarded toward your degree. 就这么简单.
获得军事训练学分. 现役学费援助可能适用于你的学位. 军校学生, we’ll request your Joint Service Transcript (JST) on your behalf from your branch of the military.
While some institutions require transcript requests from students directly, for those that don’t we’ll request transcripts on your behalf and cover the cost.
We value what you have already learned, so we strive to make every credit count.
超越转学学分. 看看你能如何申请 工作和生活经历 以你的程度.
There’s no way I would have made the impact or the difference that I’m making without the support, 的信心, 以及我所接受的教育.
琥珀P., '17
Prior coursework from a degree-granting institution with institutional accreditation, or credit earned through a national testing program such as the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), 或大学先修推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, 可以转让, 取决于你的成绩/分数. Your professional training or military training may also be converted into academic credits.
一点也不. Your GPA will be determined by the credits earned in residence at University of Phoenix.
The transfer of credits is at the discretion of the receiving institution. University of Phoenix can perform a pre-evaluation using your unofficial transcripts to give you an idea of how your transfer credits may apply to your selected program. 正式, 你需要填写录取表格, 提供所有就读学校的信息, 并在转账申请表上签字. When all forms and transcripts are received, you’ll know for sure what transfer credits will apply.
转大学学分不用花钱. In most cases we can request your official transcripts from prior institutions for you. 这节省了你的时间和金钱. In some cases, institutions may require you to make the request directly.
你也许可以 申请军训以获得大学学分. 我们将为您索取您的联合服务成绩单(JST), and evaluate your military experience using credit recommendations from the American Council for 教育 (ACE).
是的. Transfer your associate degree from an institutionally accredited community college to save $144 per three-credit course. We have relationships with community colleges across the country that make transferring credit to University of Phoenix easier for you. 如果你有副学士学位的话 3+1传递途径 lets you transfer 87 credits, the equivalent of three years, from a participating community college.
Talk with an enrollment representative to learn more about applying Prior Learning Assessment to apply for credit for what you have learned through 工作和生活经历. 替代信贷提供者 and national testing programs are other options that allow you to save.
Get evaluated for academic credentials from a number of international colleges and universities. If we’re unable to review your credits for some reason, we’ll direct you to an agency that can. Note that foreign language transcripts require certified English translation.
Transfer credit from accredited international colleges and universities.